In March 2016, God gave a vision of The Miss Cancer Warrior Organization to Ylonda Nero, a breast cancer survivor. The Lord, through his infinite wisdom, gave Ms. Nero information and ideas on how He wanted this organization to operate. The Vision and goal outlined a celebration of cancer survivors. She was told to make each one of the survivors know that in spite ofwhat they had been through and in some cases, in spite of what they are going through, they are beautiful, and their stories should be a living testament to all they have overcome. The focus of The Miss Cancer Warrior Organization is to help celebrate CANcervivors and showcase their STRENGTH and COURAGE. The organization encourages survivors to take a stand and say, “I’m a survivor. I’ve been through it, and I’m NOT hiding anymore.”
Under the direction of God and her family members,Ylonda set out to complete the Vision that was assigned to her. Ylonda’s family and The Board of Advisors have been instrumental in continuing the mission of the Miss Cancer Warrior Organization.
The Miss Cancer Warrior Organization hosted its first Victory & Praise Celebration on Saturday, February 20, 2016, in the Education Building at Royal Missionary Baptist Church. The theme was “Celebration of Life.” Survivors shared their testimonies while enjoying a delicious meal with family and friends. That year, the Miss Cancer Warrior organization also hosted its Inaugural Miss Cancer Warrior Pageant on November 19, 2016, at The Pointe Event Center. These events have been an annual event since 2016 to celebrate cancer survivors in the community and from different states.
The organization also hosted the following events: National Cancer Survivors Day on the first Sunday in June, Beating Breast Cancer on the Runway in October, Breast Cancer Walk, and Cancer Survivors Retreat. Through these events, the organization had the opportunity to meet many cancer survivors.
On July 5, 2018, The Miss Cancer Warrior Organizationreceived its Certificate of Existence, Nonprofit Corporation by the State of South Carolina. On August 5, 2021, the organization became a 501c3 nonprofit organization. The mission of the Miss Cancer Warrior Organization is to increase awareness and maintain quality of life and recovery from the devastating effects of cancer, cancer treatments, and other issues associated with being a cancer survivor.
With the support of fundraising, sponsors, and donors, the Miss Cancer Warrior Organization has been able to adopt cancer survivors and/or their families for the holidays. We say thank you and look forward to continuing a partnership with you in the years to come.
On February 26 (my birthday), 2014, I had my annual mammogram as usual. I received a call back on March 2nd, saying I needed to come in for another mammogram. I didn’t think anything of it. Then I got another call on March 6th saying they saw a spot and I needed to come in. Still not focused on what was going on because my mom had just passed away four months earlier, so I was depressed and numb. I remember the doctors telling me about a spot they saw on my right breast, and it was Stage 2 cancer, and my mind went blank.
I had surgery in May, had a port put in my left arm in June, and began chemotherapy on the first day of my summer break. I completed 8 rounds of chemotherapy and 28 rounds of radiation. Chemo towards the end was VERY hard on my body and I felt like giving up. I heard the voice of my mom saying, “Getyourself together. I made you to be Ford Tough! Get yourself together and FIGHT!” Those words meant life to me, and I began fighting for my daughter and family. Although I was in a lot of pain, I pushed myself through by trusting in God, listening to worship music, and reading healing scriptures.
I NEVER say, I’m in remission because the root word “re” means to do again. I simply tell everybody; I AM HEALED OF CANCER! I don’t say I HATE cancer. Cancer has made me STRONG and given me a STRENGTH I never knew I had. I am forever grateful to God for a second chance at LIFE! My faith in God and my family’s support is how I WON and I am eternally grateful .
I am a native of Charleston, SC. I am the oldest of 2 children born to the Late John Frasier and the Late Vernessa Nero Frasier Moore (Alfred). I have worked for Charleston County School District for over 20 years as a Teacher Assistant. I am the proud mother of one daughter, Chakeris Tarplin.
I am a member of Royal Baptist Church under the awesome leadership of Pastor Dr. Isaac Holt, Jr. My favorite scripture is, “In all you do, put God first and He will direct you and “CROWN” your effort with “SUCCESS.” (Proverbs 3:6).
The advice I would give to someone going through cancer is, in all things give thanks. Keep the faith and trust God. He will not put more on you than you can bear. I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.
Board Of Advisors

Our Dedicated Staff

The mission of the Miss Cancer Warrior is to increase awareness and maintain quality of life and recovery from devastating effects of cancer, cancer treatments, and other issues associated with being a cancer survivor.
Support - The organization will provide support groups for cancer patients, family members and friends such as transportation to treatments, housekeeping, support
group luncheon and group encouragement.
Education - The organization will provide information for cancer patients, family members and friends. Importance of early detection and screening.
Resources - The organization shall provide literature and informational media, and other resources for cancer patients and their loved ones. A list of community
resources shall be provided on the Miss Cancer Warrior Facebook Page.
To achieve these goals Miss Cancer Warrior will hold annually a fundraiser event called, "The Miss Cancer Warrior Pageant," and other projects to bring attention,
awareness and funding for cancer survivors projects.
The purpose of the Miss Cancer Warrior is to bring about public awareness of the need for early detection by educating others about cancer. We also offer Group Support Sessions, referrals and transportation for medical care (doctor appointments, treatments, etc.) and other request for assistance for cancer survivors.
Through various donations received, fundraising throughout the year and our Annual Miss Cancer Warrior Pageant.
Miss Cancer Warrior Organization celebrates National Cancer Survivors Day
National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual, treasured Celebration of Life that is held in hundreds of communities nationwide, and around the world, on the first Sunday in June. It is a CELEBRATION for those who have survived, an INSPIRATION for those recently diagnosed, a gathering of SUPPORT for families, and an OUTREACH to the community. On National Cancer Survivors Day, thousands gather across the globe to honor cancer survivors and show the world that life after a cancer diagnosis can be fruitful, rewarding and even inspiring.
It is a day for everyone, whether you are a cancer survivor, a family member, friend, caregiver, or medical professional.